PAC raises 233,000.00 dollars in the Radiothon “Polonia for Ukraine.”
On April 7, 2022, at the PNA building, 115,000.00 dollars from the Radiothon “Polonia for Ukraine” were donated to the Ukrainian leaders.
The Polish American Congress has raised over 233,000.00 dollars to help Ukrainians. During this meeting, half of the sum was donated to the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), and the other half is to go to the Polish Red Cross.
The generous check of 115,000.00 dollars was handed to the newly elected chairman of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) – Dan Diachun, and Vice-Presidents – Pavel Bandriwsky and Maria Korkatsch-Groshko.

Photo Credits: Ewa Malcher
The collection of funds “Polonia for Ukraine” is still open and will continue until April 15, 2022.
During this meeting, there were present Frank Spula – the initiator of the campaign, President of the Polish American Congress (PAC) and the Polish National Alliance (PNA), Micheline Jaminski – PAC Treasurer, Alicja Kuklińska – National Secretary of PNA, Steve Tokarski – the Treasurer of PNA, Mary Sendra Anselmo – PAC Vice President for Membership Development, and other Polish community leaders. A special guest of the meeting was Filip Frąckowiak – a Warsaw Director of General Ryszard Kukliński Memorial Chamber.
Donations can be still made by clicking the button below: