The Polish National Alliance Scholarship, Ad Hoc Committee, met in mid-May to peruse approximately 160 applications received for the 2021-22 Scholarships.
The scholarship committee of three (3) had a challenging task to choose the recipients but, in the end, gave out $160,000.00. Scholarships are based on meeting specific qualifications GPA; fraternal and community service, etc. Points are awarded in each particular category. The students with the highest score are awarded. Some recipients were denied due to a lack of transcripts and incomplete applications. All PNA Scholarship recipients were notified via USPS mail.
PNA is very proud that so many members aspire towards higher education.
The Scholarship Committee members and the Executive Officers and Board Members wish each recipient and applicant the best in their future endeavors.

The 2021-22 PNA Undergraduate Scholarship Committee were:
Wanda Juda, Kathy Lesny-Evans, and Anna Wierzbicki.