Supporting our members’ educational aspirations!
The Polish National Alliance earmarks up to $250,000 annually for undergraduate and graduate scholarships. We are pleased to announce that the application period for the PNA Undergraduate Scholarship Award Program has officially opened on January 1, 2023. This benefit is available to qualified PNA members who are college sophomores, juniors, or seniors. Interested applicants can submit their completed application postmarked no later than April 15, 2023.
Last year, PNA received 123 applications and was pleased to give $150,000 total in undergraduate scholarships to applicants from 22 states. Our PNA undergraduate students study a wide range of subjects, such as biology, business, computer science, arts, and more. PNA awarded another $71,000 in scholarships to graduate students in a separate application cycle last year. We are proud of our members who certainly will change the world positively.
PNA scholarship recipients are selected annually by a specially appointed committee that considers academic performance, achievements, and involvement in the PNA community. Members are welcome to apply for PNA scholarships multiple times.
As of this year, there has been an update to the requirements. Applicants must have a minimum of $10,000 permanent insurance plan at the PNA. For more eligibility details, please click here.
Moreover, PNA is proud of the scholarship program. The program is a demonstration of our organization’s dedication to fraternalism. It is also consistent with our historic commitment to support the intellectual and educational aspirations of our members.
For more information and the application, please see the links below or contact
We wish all applicants the best!