A committee of three judges: Monika Korczynska, President’s Assistant; Jola Walaszek, Manager of Sales; and Beatrice Jędrycha, Writer for Zgoda, perused over the entries of the 2019 Original Art and Coloring Contests. This was a difficult task for the team because there were many great entries.
The Coloring Contest was only for ages 5 to 7, while the Art Contest was reserved for PNA members ages 8 to 15. A total of 45 entries were received.
Children drew their own iterations of “Polish Legends” that were handed down to them both verbally and on paper.
Three winners were selected in the Coloring Contest. Each one of them will be awarded $100.
In the Art Contest, first-place winners will be awarded $300, second-place winners $200, and those in third-place will receive $100. This contest was divided into three age categories.
On behalf of the Polish National Alliance and Fraternal Committee, we would like to thank everyone for participating. We look forward to seeing more entries next year.
Story By Beatrice Jedrycha
AGES 8-9-10
1st Victor Kowalinski-Manalac, Los Angeles, CA – “Smok Wawelski”
2nd Pola Kozikowski, Chicago, IL – “Janosiku – Janosiku”
3rd William Bettcher, New Bern, NC – “Wawel Dragon”
AGES 11-12-13
1st Lukasz Mszyca, Anaheim Hills, CA – “Legenda o Bazyliszku”
2nd Zachary Blanchard, Cumberland, RI – “Stone Monster”
3rd Katherine Suchowolec, Torrington, CT – “Legenda o Lechu, Czechu, Rusie”
AGES 14-15
1st Jordyn Czyzewski, Milwaukee, WI – “The Mermaid of Warsaw”
2nd Emily Mickelonis, Scappoose, OR – “The Gold Duck”
3rd Tristan Doktorczyk, Lockport, IL – “The Dragon of Krakow”
WINNERS OF THE 2019 COLORING CONTEST (AGES 5-6-7). All three will receive $100.00 each.
AGES 8-9-10
Isabella Kowalinska-Manalac, Los Angeles, CA
Joshua Blanchard, Cumberland, RI
Jakub Belzek, Lake Villa, IL
By Victor Kowalinski-ManalacBy Pola KozikowskiBy William BettcherBy Lucas MszycBy Zachary BlanchardBy Katherine SuchowolecBy Jordyn CzyzewskiBy Emily MickelonisBy Tristan Doktorczyk