Zgoda Winter 2022 is Here!

The information you've been waiting for...

Fresh off the press, our final quarterly Zgoda issue of 2022 will be delivered to mailboxes across the country shortly. Upon first glance, the cover greets readers with a peaceful wintery scene in the Polish mountains. The Polish mountains are a beloved national symbol, especially in the winter, which makes them an excellent choice for wrapping up this year’s cover theme – nature symbols of Poland.

Inside this 174th issue, readers can find articles about exciting celebrations that occurred across PNA Regions during the late summer and early fall, such as Dożynki and Polish Heritage Month. The issue also highlights conventions and charitable actions across Districts, Lodges, and Councils.

This issue of Zgoda received a higher than usual amount of submissions, which emphasizes the active involvement of PNA Members across the nation and their love for Zgoda. Our Zgoda Team is grateful for this and will prioritize omitted submissions in the first issue of 2023.

You can read this issue digitally by clicking here. For any questions, comments, or submissions for the upcoming issue, please contact Zgoda Team at