Community Shred Day 2021

Saturday, August 7th is our Community Shred Day! 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 noon Bring your unwanted sensitive documents to have them securely and professionally shredded! Sponsored in conjunction with United Credit Union, PNA will provide a FREE paper shredding opportunity to our community. Our goal is to give back to the community by helping local residents […]
2021 Undergraduate Scholarship Recipients

The Polish National Alliance Scholarship, Ad Hoc Committee, met in mid-May to peruse approximately 160 applications received for the 2021-22 Scholarships. The scholarship committee of three (3) had a challenging task to choose the recipients but, in the end, gave out $160,000.00. Scholarships are based on meeting specific qualifications GPA; fraternal and community service, etc. […]
58th PNA National Golf Tournament in Westmoreland, Pennsylvania is happening

Mark your calendar for the 58th PNA National Golf Tournament, July 23-24, 2021. We look forward to connecting with our PNA members from all over the country at the annual golf tournament. The 58th PNA National Golf Tournament is planned for July 23-24, 2021 at The Madison Club, 519 Yukon Rd, Madison, PA 15663. With […]

Joseph A. Kaminski Annual Communion Breakfast. Pittsburgh, PA; On March 21, 2021, West End Lodge 1052 celebrated its annual communion breakfast. This year was a special one. The Lodge and its Board of Directors honored Joseph A. Kaminski by naming the breakfast after Joe. President Mark Pawlos talked about how Joe’s name is synonymous with […]
The PNA Scholarship Award Program for Graduates

Academic Year 2021-2022 We are pleased to announce the opening of the application period for the Polish National Alliance Graduate Scholarship Award Program. This benefit is available to all graduates who are qualified PNA members. Graduates can find more information on eligibility and submit their completed application, postmarked no later than June 15th, 2021. For […]
PNA Frontline Hero Award

These days we don’t need to look to the skies to find a hero; they are in our lives every day. In hospitals, restaurants, schools, local stores, and on the frontlines battling the Covid-19 pandemic; members of our PNA Community have been working hard to keep us all healthy and safe. Thank you to all […]
Polish National Alliance Scholarship Program

The Polish National Alliance is pleased to announce the PNA’s Annual College Scholarships. The program is available to all PNA members who are currently enrolled as full-time College or University students and who will be continuing their undergraduate studies in the Fall 2021 semesters. Full-time students who will be Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors in the […]
2021 PNA Essay Contest

How has Covid-19 Affected My Life? We have all experienced the Covid-19 virus in different ways. We would like to know how it has affected you and your family. The PNA essay contest offers an opportunity to express your thoughts on how the global pandemic affected you or your family’s life. We look forward to […]
2021 PNA Coloring Contest for children

The PNA announces a coloring contest, to which we invite all children aged 5 – 8 years old.To enter, please read the rules below and print out the coloring page available at the link below. Color the page and send your artwork to the address provided below. RULES: Submission deadline: June 30th, 2021. Child must […]
Run for Poland

Celebrating Polish Independence