Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Polish National Alliance team in Christmas outfits.

Wishing you all the best this season! From all of us at the Polish National Alliance, we wish you and your families a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May the Christmas spirit bring you peace, happiness, and prosperity into the new year. Wesołych Świąt i szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

PNA Receives Loyalty Award

Polish National Alliance representatives holding the 2022 Chamber Loyalty Award.

Grateful for the recognition! On December 10, 2022, the Polish National Alliance received the 2022 Chamber Loyalty Award from the Polish American Chamber of Commerce at their annual Christmas Party & Awards Dinner. For PNA, this award is especially meaningful because we are honored to be active longtime supporters of an organization that helps promote […]

Santa Comes to PNA 2022

Two children in Christmas outfits with mom and Santa Claus

A Special Visitor at PNA! On December 4, 2022, the Polish National Alliance organized its annual Santa Comes to PNA (Mikołajki) event. The event was located at the Home Office and was open to the entire community. Celebrating Mikołajki is a fun Polish tradition for children and is based on the story of St. Nicholas. […]